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Arlene Ohland

After 18 years, Ar­lene’s jour­ney to meet back up with her hus­band, Mar­vin, in heaven was com­plete on March 2, 2022, at the age of 86.
Ar­lene Jo­hanna Lil­lian Koepsell Oh­land, daugh­ter of Got­thold A. and Verona A. M. (nee Gloede) Koepsell, was born on May 27, 1935, in the Town of Her­man, Dodge County. She was bap­tized on June 9, 1935, by Pas­tor Her­man H. Laabs.
She was con­firmed on June 5, 1949, by Pas­tor William A. Lauter­bach at Im­manuel Lutheran Church, Town of Theresa. Her mem­ory verse was Psalm 27, verse 1. “The LORD is my light and my sal­va­tion; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” Ar­lene’s fa­vorite chap­ter in the Bible was 1st Corinthi­ans, Chap­ter 13.
Mar­vin and Ar­lene were mar­ried on June 27, 1953, at Im­manuel Lutheran Church, Hochheim, by Pas­tor B. C. Gumz. Ar­lene worked at Han­kscraft in Reeds­burg the first few years after they were mar­ried and then joined Mar­vin in Ger­many from May through No­vem­ber 1956, where he was serv­ing in the U.S. Army. Marv saved up all his fur­lough time while he was over there so when Ar­lene ar­rived, they did a lot of trav­el­ing to the dif­fer­ent coun­tries in Eu­rope where they saw a lot of beau­ti­ful scenery and places of in­ter­est. When they moved to Hart­ford in 1959, Ar­lene was a home­maker and mother. She later worked at Bublitz’s restau­rant in Hart­ford for five years. In 1971, she started her job as a food ser­vice worker at Hart­ford High School. She worked there for 29 years until her re­tire­ment in June 2000.
Ar­lene has been a mem­ber of Peace Lutheran Church in Hart­ford since 1959. She served as an of­fi­cer of Peace Lutheran Mis­sion So­ci­ety at var­i­ous times and served as the trea­surer of the Dodge County Cir­cuit of Lutheran Women’s Mis­sion­ary So­ci­ety. She loved vol­un­teer­ing at her church by serv­ing Easter break­fasts, help­ing with fu­ner­als, bak­ing for spe­cial events or shut-ins or help­ing as­sem­ble the church newslet­ter and weekly bul­letins with her very close friend, Eve­lyn Horst, and sis­ter, Lor­raine.
Ar­lene is sur­vived by her two sons, Duane (Kathy) Oh­land of Beaver Dam and Daryl (Lori) Oh­land of Neenah; six grand­chil­dren, Kevin Oh­land, West Allis, Amanda (Adam) Har­vey, Hart­ford, Kyle (Brooke Siew­ert) Oh­land, Waupun, Lucas Oh­land, An­drew Oh­land, and Con­nor Oh­land, Neenah; great-grand­chil­dren, AJ and Joshua Oh­land, Made­lyn, Jor­dyn, and Vyn­cent Har­vey, and Eve­lyn Kreuziger. Ar­lene is also sur­vived by her sis­ters, Lor­raine Hahn, Elaine (Claude) Rex, Mar­ion (Ron) Brandt, and Edna (Bob) Schultz; step-sis­ters-in-law, Carol Dum­mer and Con­nie (Mike) Thull; step-brother-in-law, Gary Dum­mer; for­mer grand­daugh­ter-in law, Lisa Oh­land; and other fam­ily and friends.
She was pre­ceded in death by her beloved hus­band, Mar­vin, on June 24, 2004; her par­ents, Got­thold and Verona Koepsell; step­fa­ther, Har­vey Dum­mer; fa­ther-in-law and mother-in-law, Al­bert and Bertha Oh­land; sis­ter, Marlis Glamann; broth­ers-in-law, Earl Hahn, Le­land Gunst, Wilbert Oh­land, and James Thomp­son; sis­ters-in-law, Lenora Thomp­son and Jean Kim­mel; step-brother-in-law Duane Dum­mer and step-sis­ter-in-law, Sharon Dum­mer.
Ar­lene en­joyed cook­ing, bak­ing, vol­un­teer­ing, and spend­ing time with her chil­dren, grand­chil­dren and great-grand­chil­dren. She was af­fec­tion­ately known as the jell-o jig­glers grandma.
Fu­neral Ser­vices for Ar­lene will be held Mon­day, March 14, 2022 at 11:30 a.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 1001 Cen­ter Street, Hart­ford, WI 53027, with Rev. Je­remy Husby of­fi­ci­at­ing.
Fam­ily will greet rel­a­tives and friends at the church on Mon­day from 9:30 a.m.-11:15 a.m. Com­mit­tal will fol­low with for­mal pro­ces­sion to Pleas­ant Hill Ceme­tery, Hart­ford.
The fam­ily would like to thank the staffs at The Gar­dens of Hart­ford and The Wa­ter­ford of Hart­ford and Dr. Flo­rescu for the love and care they pro­vided to Ar­lene over the years.
In lieu of flow­ers, memo­ri­als could be made to Peace Lutheran Church or School or Ket­tle Moraine Lutheran High School.
The Shi­mon Fu­neral Home is serv­ing the fam­ily. Con­do­lences and trib­utes may be shared: www.​shi​monf​uner​alho​me.​com
