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 Elaine “Shorty” Miller

 Elaine “Shorty” Miller  Elaine “Shorty” Miller
 Elaine “Shorty” Miller, age 69, died after a two-year bat­tle with ovar­ian can­cer on March 29, 2022, with her lov­ing hus­band, Dale, at her side.
Elaine was born on July 13, 1952, in Waupun, the daugh­ter of the late Louis Jr. and Louise Schultz.
She at­tended St. Paul’s Lutheran School in Brownsville and then grad­u­ated from Lomira High School in 1970.
   In 1974, she mar­ried Dale Samp­son and had two beau­ti­ful daugh­ters, Wendy and Becky. She worked at a lum­ber yard most of her work­ing years as an ad­min­is­tra­tive clerk. She fin­ished her re­tire­ment years work­ing for Cole Oil of Lomira. The fam­ily moved to Fond du Lac in 1981 where she spent 20 years. They joined St. Peter’s Church and the girls at­tended grade school there and then on to Win­nebago Lutheran Acad­emy.
In 2001, she mar­ried Dale Miller and gained four more beau­ti­ful girls, Trish, Stephanie, Jen­nifer, and Eliz­a­beth. She then moved to Ash­ford and joined St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Town of Lomira, where Dale was a mem­ber. They both en­joyed many happy years to­gether. They trav­eled when they could with their friends and made many mem­o­ries. Shorty loved to golf, es­pe­cially with her sib­lings. She played soft­ball until the age of 54 and liked to go fish­ing, deer hunt­ing, camp­ing, bowl­ing, card club, and watch­ing the Brew­ers and the Pack­ers. In the win­ter, her fa­vorite pas­time was doing 1,000-piece puz­zles.
Those she leaves be­hind are her lov­ing hus­band of 20 years, Dale Miller; her daugh­ter, Wendy (Christo­pher) Hahn; her four step-daugh­ters, Trish Miller, Stephanie Gitzel, Jen­nifer (Jake) Schnuell, Eliz­a­beth (Frank) Miller-Vogel; her six broth­ers, Don Schultz, Louie Schultz III, Wayne (Bon­nie) Schultz, Marty (Anna) Schultz, Mark (Margie) Schultz, and John Schultz; three sis­ters, Mar­garet (Bob) Garkey, Ann (Steve) Geschke, and Juanita (Jim) Ancil; seven grand­sons, Tay­lor (spe­cial friend, Abby) Hawkin­son, Tyler Koll­man, Tren­ton Koll­man, Ethan Miller, Brant Schnuell, Wil Schnuell, and Ken­neth Hahn. Fur­ther sur­vived by her mother-in-law, Doreen Miller; sis­ters-in-law, Bon­nie (Mike) Neelis and Barb Ser­a­mur; broth­ers-in-law, David (Lisa) Miller and Den­nis (Wanda) Miller; two aunts, Ruth Schultz and Marge Kaiser; an uncle, Melvin Guell; and other rel­a­tives and friends.
She is pre­ceded in death by her daugh­ter, Becky, in 2013; and her brother, Dale in 1999.
Elaine would like to thank all the peo­ple at the Can­cer Cen­ter in Fond du Lac and Home Hos­pice Care for their kind and thought­ful help through­out this bat­tle with can­cer.
Memo­ri­als may be di­rected to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Town of Lomira or Win­nebago Lutheran Acad­emy.
Vis­i­ta­tion: Elaine’s fam­ily greeted rel­a­tives and friends at the Ki­et­zer – Miller Fu­neral Home, 350 Main Street, in Lomira on Fri­day, April 1, 2022, from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. Vis­i­ta­tion con­tin­ued the next day at St. Paul’s Evan­gel­i­cal Lutheran Church (Halfway Church), 9910 High­way 175, Lomira, from noon until 2 p.m.
Fu­neral Ser­vice: A fu­neral ser­vice for Elaine was held at 2 p.m. on Sat­ur­day, April 2, 2022, at the Halfway Church. Rev. Matthew Kuske of­fi­ci­ated and bur­ial fol­lowed in the church ceme­tery.
The Myrhum-Pat­ten Fu­neral and Cre­ma­tion Ser­vices has been en­trusted with Elaine’s arrange­ments. More in­for­ma­tion and guest book can be found at www.​myrhum-​pat­ten.​com.