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Robert Louis Litterick

Robert Louis Litterick Robert Louis Litterick

Robert Louis Lit­t­er­ick,55, passed away un­ex­pect­edly on Thurs­day, May 11, 2023 at his home in Hori­con.
In hon­or­ing Bob’s wishes, a Cel­e­bra­tion of Life gath­er­ing will be held on Wednes­day, June 14, from 6pm-9pm at the Hori­con Amer­i­can Le­gion, Hori­con.
Bob was born on De­cem­ber 21, 1967, in Fort Riley, Kansas, to Michael and Alice (Will­man) Lit­t­er­ick.
He was a 1986 grad­u­ate of Hori­con High School. While in high school, Bob par­tic­i­pated in base­ball, bas­ket­ball, and foot­ball. As a teenager, some of his best mem­o­ries were play­ing base­ball for the Hori­con Amer­i­can Le­gion team Post #157, in which his dad was the man­ager and coach.
After his play­ing days were over, Bob pur­sued an op­por­tu­nity to stay in­volved in base­ball by um­pir­ing with his buddy and men­tor, Bob Klatt. Bob was an avid sports fan and en­joyed watch­ing the Green Bay Pack­ers, Mil­wau­kee Bucks, Wis­con­sin Bad­gers and the Mil­wau­kee Brew­ers.
Bob es­pe­cially en­joyed spend­ing time in the woods hunt­ing with his dad and daugh­ters. Bob had many spe­cial mem­o­ries of hunt­ing trips to South Dakota, Canada, Alaska and Ten­nessee to name a few, with his dad, who was his best friend, as well as his long­time pal, Jim Franke. For 30 plus years, Bob spent many, many week­ends in the North­woods at his fam­ily’s cab­ins. From dig­ging out rocks to count­less hours of build­ing ad­di­tions and putting on roofs, Bob was al­ways will­ing to put in the work to have a cabin to hunt out of with his dad, Jimmy, and the Flick boys.
Whether Bob was shoot­ing darts, bowl­ing, play­ing soft­ball or toss­ing bean­bags, he loved com­pet­ing.
As the fa­ther of four beau­ti­ful daugh­ters, Pey­ton, Pres­ley, Parker, and Pier­sten, they were the ab­solute most im­por­tant thing in his world. You could often find Bob in the stands watch­ing his daugh­ters play soft­ball, bas­ket­ball, vol­ley­ball, track, and cross coun­try through­out their sports ca­reers. He spent many sum­mers with Grandpa Mike and Grandma Alice trav­el­ing all over the state and be­yond watch­ing travel soft­ball. He also en­joyed teach­ing his girls how to hunt and fish and al­ways looked for­ward to Deer Camp with the fam­ily at the Franke’s house.
Through­out the years, Bob had many in­ter­ests, but the most im­por­tant thing to him was al­ways fam­ily! He was known for his great grilling skills and loved spend­ing Sun­days on the patio en­joy­ing good food and good com­pany, fol­lowed by a camp­fire in the back­yard.
Bob was a life­long res­i­dent of Hori­con and the face of the ser­vice de­part­ment at Reed Chrysler, Beaver Dam. Bob worked as the ser­vice de­part­ment man­ager for 35 years! Bob will be missed by the many, many cus­tomers he pro­vided ser­vice for over the years at Reed Chrysler.
Bob is sur­vived by his daugh­ters, Pey­ton (fiancé Jor­dyn) Lit­t­er­ick of Hart­land, Pres­ley (Trent) Lit­t­er­ick of Hus­tis­ford, Parker (Logan) Lit­t­er­ick of Theresa, and Pier­sten Lit­t­er­ick of Theresa. He is fur­ther sur­vived by his par­ents, Michael and Alice Lit­t­er­ick of Iron Ridge; sis­ter, Shelli Lit­t­er­ick-Hes­sel­man (Mark) of Slinger; niece, Hai­ley Hes­sel­man of Slinger; nephew, Michael (Ali) Hes­sel­man of Edger­ton; Angie (Brian) Reklau of Theresa. He is fur­ther sur­vived by many cousins and rel­a­tives.
Bob was pre­ceded in death by his grand­par­ents, Mar­tin and Susan Will­man of Canova, SD, Loy and Betty (Lit­t­er­ick) Schulz, of Canova, SD; grand­fa­ther, Louis Lit­t­er­ick; uncle, Larry Will­man; aunt, Melva Ger­alds; uncle, George Ger­alds; aunt Wilma Jones; uncle, Gene Lar­son; aunt, Sharon Lar­son; uncle, Dar­rel Will­man; uncle, Lloyd Jones; and cousin, Terry Jones.
Memo­ri­als in honor of Bob may be di­rected to his fam­ily.
Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com
