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Frances Laufenberg

Frances Laufenberg Frances Laufenberg

Beloved wife, mother, grand­mother, sis­ter, and friend, Frances Laufen­berg passed away on Fri­day, April 5, 2024, at age 85.
Frances was born the first daugh­ter of Robert and Rose (Per­sha) Hechi­movich on June 29, 1938.
She mar­ried Eu­gene Laufen­berg on Sep­tem­ber 06, 1958, and to­gether they raised two sons on the Laufen­berg fam­ily farm in Iron Ridge.
Frances and Eu­gene were long­time parish­ioners at St. Mary Catholic Church in Wood­land.
Never con­tent to be idle, Frances began work­ing at RuMar Man­u­fac­tur­ing Cor­po­ra­tion in Mayville, in 1976 and be­came Pres­i­dent of RuMar in 2001. She re­tired from RuMar in 2020. Through­out her ca­reer and life, Frances never had a short­age of opin­ions or sto­ries to share and never for­got to treat peo­ple with care and re­spect. She will be greatly missed by all who loved her.
Sur­viv­ing fam­ily mem­bers in­clude her hus­band Eu­gene; sons, Scott (Julie) and Jef­fry (Marci) Laufen­berg; grand­chil­dren, Jamie (Thomas) Shoaf, Lin­sey (Al­fonso) Callejo, and Ethan Laufen­berg; great-grand­daugh­ter, Con­stance Callejo; sib­lings, Dan “Boone” Hechi­movich, Nick Hechi­movich, Mary (Wayne) Siegfried, Tom (Har­riet) Hechi­movich, and Rose “Aggie” (Salty) Wal­ter; sis­ter-in-laws, Diane (Bobby) Hechi­movich, Char­lotte (Leonard) Laufen­berg, Gail (Den­nis) Laufen­berg, Mon­ica (Dave) Sen­henn, and brother-in-law, May­nard Laufen­berg; and many nieces, nephews, and rel­a­tives.
She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents and six broth­ers, George, Frank, John, Michael, Wal­ter and Robert Hechi­movich.
The fam­ily is very grate­ful for the lov­ing and car­ing staff at Charleston House Mem­ory Care, as well as Gen­er­a­tions Hos­pice and Stoughton Hos­pi­tal. Frances’ life will be cel­e­brated at a pri­vate fam­ily mass and in­tern­ment.
Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com
