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Rachelle “Shelly” Valle

Rachelle “Shelly” Valle Rachelle “Shelly” Valle

Rachelle (Shelly) Valle, 63, of Brownsville, passed away peace­fully in her home, sur­rounded by fam­ily mem­bers on April 12, 2024.
Shelly was born on No­vem­ber 19, 1960, to Char­lotte (Col­lien) and John “Mighty Fine” Feucht, in Waupun and raised on the farm in Leroy. As the old­est of five, she be­came the rock that we all knew and loved from a very young age. Shelly thrived on being there for every­one in her life; she loved it. A friend to all, she was the lit­eral de­f­i­n­i­tion of some­one who would give you the shirt off her back, or the last $5 to her name.
She taught us all that life was not only about work­ing hard, but more im­por­tantly it was about en­joy­ing the ride along the way. She got mar­ried to the love of her life, Duward John Valle, on No­vem­ber 8, 1980, and gave it her all. They re­mained mar­ried for 43 years, and he was by her side when she took her last breath, al­ways fight­ing for each other.
She lived fiercely, loved deeply, and laughed heartily. De­spite jug­gling mul­ti­ple jobs and school, she found time to lead Girl Scouts, coach sports, and host com­mu­nity block par­ties amongst many other extra ac­tiv­i­ties through­out the years. She never missed a grad­u­a­tion, birth­day, or team event, al­ways stand­ing as a pil­lar of sup­port for those near and far. In times of tragedy, she was the first to help, ral­ly­ing oth­ers to join. She taught us to em­brace life’s joys and chal­lenges with equal vigor—danc­ing in the wind and fight­ing when nec­es­sary, al­ways with laugh­ter and ad­ven­ture in her heart.
Her pas­sion for cook­ing drove her to open a restau­rant and meat mar­ket in North­ern Michi­gan, ful­fill­ing a life­long dream. Even when she piv­oted to work for the state, she never aban­doned her culi­nary pur­suits—bak­ing, can­ning, and gar­den­ing tire­lessly. Until her final days, she was a force of na­ture in the kitchen, nour­ish­ing bod­ies and souls alike. But more than her ad­ven­tures and achieve­ments, Shelly cher­ished her re­la­tion­ships—from life­long friends to new ac­quain­tances and every­one in be­tween. To her, it was the peo­ple that made it all mat­ter, and every­one mat­tered!
She achieved what she wanted, and though life threw moun­tains in her way, she was never afraid to sad­dle up and climb them. She loved ex­plor­ing, and you would often find her on a boat, or a kayak, zi­plin­ing, ski­ing, ex­plor­ing ice cav­erns, fish­ing, camp­ing, going on va­ca­tion, walk­ing the beach, going on sling shot with grand­kids, bungee jump­ing, dress­ing up, throw­ing a party, or any­thing that would bring thrill, ad­ven­ture, laughs, and mem­o­ries to last a life­time. Her legacy is marked by the love and laugh­ter she shared, and the un­wa­ver­ing strength she demon­strated as a true war­rior in life.
And a war­rior she was. Since 2017, she had been fight­ing Stage 4 Metasta­tic GIST can­cer. Hav­ing over five surg­eries to re­move tu­mors, and mul­ti­ple more as re­sults of the can­cer, six dif­fer­ent types of drugs, in­clud­ing a clin­i­cal trial drug, she gave it her all; prov­ing to us all just how fierce she truly was. And it was through her bat­tles, that we found in­spi­ra­tion to fight our own, with her last final gift to us being that she went peace­fully with a happy and lov­ing heart, prov­ing to us that faith, love, laugh­ter, and peo­ple truly are what mat­ters in the end.
Shelly is sur­vived by her hus­band, Duward of Brownsville; her mother, Char­lotte; son, Brad of Florida; daugh­ter, Nicole (Justin) Valle-Prenevost, along with their four chil­dren (grand­chil­dren), Hai­ley, Josiah, Ko­r­ben, and No­valee, of Fond du Lac, and though only brief­ly held in her arms, a son, who was never far from her heart; fur­ther, she is sur­vived by three sis­ters, Tina (Kay) Feucht, Patti (Scott) Wells, and Jeni (Den­nis) Oech­sner, and one brother, Fran Feucht; fur­ther she is sur­vived by Tim and Cindy Hill and fam­ily, Dee and Fam­ily, and many more aunts, un­cles, nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends.
Pre­ced­ing Shelly in death was her fa­ther, John “Mighty Fine” Feucht; step-mother, Char­lene Feucht; grand­par­ents, Arnold and Josephine Col­lien and Mar­tin and Helen Feucht; and sis­ter-in-law, Brenda Feucht. Also pre­ced­ing Shelly in death was her great-niece, Rory; and fa­ther-in-law, Al­bert Valle and mother-in-law, Glo­ria Valle; and other fam­ily mem­bers and friends.
Vis­i­ta­tion will be held on Sat­ur­day April, 20, from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at St. An­drews Catholic Church in Leroy. A Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial will fol­low at 1 p.m. with Fa­ther Ed Ko­r­nath pre­sid­ing. Im­me­di­ately fol­low­ing the ser­vice there will be a lun­cheon with cater­ing from the Feed­mill at Kekos­kee Vil­lage Hall, W3275 Co Rd TW, Mayville WI 53050, and all are wel­come to laugh, love, and share in the cel­e­bra­tion of her life.
Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com
