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Thomas Patrick Ferguson

Thomas Patrick Ferguson Thomas Patrick Ferguson

Thomas Patrick Fer­gu­son, 63, of Lomira passed away on April 13, 2024, at St. Agnes Hos­pi­tal in Fond du Lac sur­rounded by his lov­ing fam­ily.
Tom was born on March 17, 1961, in Waupun to Fran­cis and Glo­ria Fer­gu­son (nee Rozek).
Tom grad­u­ated from Lomira High School in 1979. He worked in man­u­fac­tur­ing his whole life. Tom started as a line worker, work­ing his way up to Pro­duc­tion Su­per­vi­sor. He ended his ca­reer at Met­al­Craft in Mayville in 2021.
Dur­ing his life­time, Tom was an avid golfer. He was often seen at Camelot in Lomira, where he achieved a Hole-In-One on #7! Tom also en­joyed trav­el­ing with friends and golf­ing at other courses around the coun­try.
He was a skilled wood­worker, work­ing on pro­jects for friends and fam­ily. Tom en­joyed watch­ing Nascar and For­mula 1 Rac­ing.
Those Tom leaves be­hind to cher­ish his mem­ory in­clude his sis­ters, Kathryn (Bruce) Sterr and Pa­tri­cia Fer­gu­son; nieces, Alexan­dra Fis­cher and Lau­ren Sterr; and nephew, Ben­jamin Fis­cher. He is fur­ther sur­vived by aunts and an uncle, Do­lores Rozek and Jane (Henry) Brown; as well as other rel­a­tives and friends.
In ad­di­tion to his par­ents, Tom was pre­ceded in death by pa­ter­nal grand­par­ents, Claude and Mary Fer­gu­son (nee Bohan); ma­ter­nal grand­par­ents, Anton and Anna Rozek (nee Bat­ter­man); and his brother, Jef­frey Fer­gu­son.
VIS­I­TA­TION: Tom’s fam­ily will greet rel­a­tives and friends on Wednes­day, April 24, from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. at Myrhum-Pat­ten Fu­neral Home (350 Main St. – Lomira, WI 53048) with a Vigil Ser­vice at 7:00 p.m.
SER­VICE: A Memo­r­ial Mass in re­mem­brance of Tom will take place at Sons of Zebedee Catholic Church (N3687 Hwy 175 – Byron, WI) on Thurs­day, April 25, at 11 a.m. with Fa­ther Nathaniel Mini­att of­fi­ci­at­ing. In­urn­ment will be at the church ceme­tery fol­low­ing Mass.
The fam­ily would like to thank the doc­tors, nurses, and staff at Cross­roads Care Cen­ter in Mayville and St. Agnes Hos­pi­tal in Fond du Lac for their care and com­pas­sion.
Myrhum-Pat­ten Fu­neral & Cre­ma­tion Ser­vice has been en­trusted with Tom’s arrange­ments. For ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion or to leave an on­line con­do­lence on the trib­ute wall, please visit www.​myrhum-​patten.​com.
