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Harlan Werblow

Harlan Werblow Harlan Werblow
April 23, 1928 –
Sept 9, 2024
   Har­lan Werblow, 96, of Juneau, passed away peace­fully. He was born son of Hugo and Min­nie (nee Eich­horst) Werblow in Beaver Dam.
Har­lan grad­u­ated from Juneau High School in 1946 and mar­ried Hazel Kressin on De­cem­ber 2, 1951, at Zion Lutheran Church in Clyman. They cel­e­brated 72 won­der­ful years of mar­riage.
As a life­long mem­ber of St. John’s Church, Har­lan served as fi­nan­cial sec­re­tary and usher. He was a tal­ented car­pen­ter, ul­ti­mately run­ning his own busi­ness, Werblow Wood­work­ing. Har­lan ded­i­cated 31 years to the Juneau Fire De­part­ment and con­tributed to the City of Juneau Board of Ap­peals and Dodge Cen­tre His­tor­i­cal So­ci­ety.
Har­lan’s legacy ex­tends through his lov­ing fam­ily. He is sur­vived by his beloved wife, Hazel; his chil­dren, Sherry (Ran­dal) Watts and Den­nis (Cheryl) Werblow. He was the proud grand­fa­ther and great-grand­fa­ther to Chris, Cathy, Tra­cie (Eric), Ryan (Jackie), Brett (Krys­tle), Alyssa, Myles, Beck­ett, and Lucy.
He was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents.
The fam­ily thanks the Ivy Manor staff for their care. Har­lan will be dearly missed by all who knew him.
Vis­i­ta­tion was held on Mon­day, Sept. 16, from 10 to 11 a.m. at St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Juneau with a ser­vice to fol­low. Rev. Nicholas Mount and Rev. David Brandt of­fi­ci­ated. In­ter­ment was in Juneau City Ceme­tery, Juneau.
Berndt-Ledesma Fu­neral Home is serv­ing the fam­ily.