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David D. Sperger

David D. Sperger David D. Sperger

David D. Sperger of Janesville, for­merly of Mayville, passed away peace­fully, on Sun­day, Feb. 26, 2023, at Agrace Hos­pice­Care, Janesville.
David was born on July 24, 1931, to Roland and Marie (Scheberl) Sperger in LeRoy.
In De­cem­ber of 1951, he went into the United States Navy where he served in the Ko­rean War and was hon­or­ably dis­charged in No­vem­ber of 1955.
He mar­ried Mary Jean Raml on Sep­tem­ber 13, 1958, in She­boy­gan, and they had three chil­dren, Greg, Jean and Gary.
David en­joyed danc­ing to big band/swing music, buy­ing new cars, read­ing, bik­ing, and play­ing crib­bage.
David is sur­vived by his wife, Mary; his chil­dren, Greg (Lau­rie) Sperger, Jean (Thomas) Bink­ley, Gary (Cyn­thia) Sperger; his sib­lings, Mary Jo “Tootie” Huh­n­dorf, Geral­dine Ben­nett, Marlys Sperger, Dar­lene (Clint) Nel­son, Clarence Tab­batt and Mar­vin Tab­batt. He is fur­ther sur­vived by his grand­chil­dren, Jo­hanna (Kishon) Mon­teith, Thomas (Anna) Bink­ley, Matthew Sperger, Sarah (Bray­den) Reese, Bradley (Kaylee) Sperger, Katie Sperger; one great-grand­child, Ava Reese; and spe­cial niece, Terry Wester.
David was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents, Roland and Marie Sperger; step-par­ents, Au­gust Krueger and Velma Sperger, and grand­daugh­ter, Jen­nifer Sperger; broth­ers-in-law, Carl Huh­n­dorf, Robert Ben­nett and James Fortier.
The fam­ily would like to thank Agrace Hos­pice­Care of Janesville for the lov­ing care they pro­vided.
Per his wishes, there will be no for­mal ser­vices at this time.
The Al­brecht Fu­neral Homes & Cre­ma­tion Ser­vices in Mil­ton is as­sist­ing the fam­ily with arrange­ments.
