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Edith A. Fox

Edith A. Fox Edith A. Fox

Edith A. Fox, 84, passed away peace­fully on Tues­day, June 6, 2023. After strug­gling for many years with de­men­tia, she was re­united in heaven, wholly and com­pletely, with her hus­band James, who pre­ceded her in death on No­vem­ber 17, 2022.
She was born Edith Ar­lene Pig­ott on June 15, 1938, in Granton, the daugh­ter of the late Harley and Ber­nice (nee Downer) Pig­ott. After her grad­u­a­tion from Granton High School, Edith moved to Fond du Lac.
On June 27, 1959, Edith was united in mar­riage to Jim at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Eden. [Small-town boy] Jim liked to tease her that she was “from the sticks,” but “the sticks” were an even­tual fa­vorite va­ca­tion des­ti­na­tion of the fam­ily they grew to­gether in Fond du Lac.
Her de­vo­tion to chil­dren of all ages was man­i­fested in the many things for which she vol­un­teered: PTA, “room mother,” class­room vol­un­teer, CCD vol­un­teer, CYO dance and camp chap­er­one. Her love for her chil­dren and grand­chil­dren looked like home­made cook­ies, cin­na­mon rolls, Easter bun­nies, rasp­berry tortes, hick­ory nut fudge, straw­berry jam, pan­cakes, fur­ni­ture and home restora­tion, baby-sit­ting and dog-sit­ting, fun­nel ball at the local play­ground, quilts, and cheers from the hockey stands, gym bleach­ers and field side lines. She en­joyed her yearly trips to Cal­i­for­nia with Jim to visit their son and his fam­ily.
Edith kept the lit­tle yel­low house on First Street, their fam­ily home for al­most 60 years, tidy in­side and out. She pre­ferred pro­duc­tive pas­times and hob­bies. Edith gar­dened, canned and froze her bounty, quilted, sewed, em­broi­dered, and baked. She was al­ways a good stew­ard of the gifts God gave her. After a full day, Edith could be found re­lax­ing with a bowl of ice cream or a hand­ful of peanut M&M’s.
She did two work stints at Ser­vice Mo­tors Ford in the of­fice (be­fore and after hav­ing chil­dren) but spent most of her work­ing ca­reer as a phar­macy tech­ni­cian at St. Agnes Hos­pi­tal.
Edith is sur­vived by her chil­dren, Diane (David) Dray of Wauwatosa, David (Debra) Fox of Es­con­dido, CA, Joanne (Keith) Stephany of Fond du Lac, and Suzanne (Michael) Fox-Cer­ney of El­do­rado; grand­chil­dren, Adri­ana Dray, Vin­cent Dray, Jamie (Jonathan) Or­tega, Jonathan Fox, Justin Fox, Ben­jamin Stephany, Beth Stephany, and great-grand­daugh­ter, Ada­lynn Or­tega. Edith was one of thir­teen chil­dren and is sur­vived by her sis­ters, Gladys Karl, Doris Gard­ner, and Ros­alie Ham­burg.
Edith and Jim lived their last years at Seren­ity Villa in Camp­bell­sport, a place brim­ming with love and sup­port for the res­i­dents. The fam­ily would like to thank Brook­lyn and her amaz­ing staff for their care of Edith and Jim for the past two years.
A com­bined Memo­r­ial Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial for Edith and James will be on Sat­ur­day, July 22, at 11 a.m. with vis­i­ta­tion im­me­di­ately pre­ced­ing be­gin­ning at 10 a.m., St. Matthew’s Catholic Church, 406 W. Main St. Camp­bell­sport. Rev. Mark Jones will of­fi­ci­ate. Bur­ial will fol­low in St. Mary’s Ceme­tery, Eden.
Twohig Fu­neral Home is serv­ing the fam­ily with on­line guest­book and con­do­lences at www.​two​higf​uner​als.​com.
