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Glen Stewart

Glen Stewart Glen Stewart

It is with heavy hearts that we an­nounce the pass­ing of Glen Stew­art, 73, of Lomira. Glen passed away Wednes­day, March 6, 2024, at the Uni­ver­sity Hos­pi­tal in Madi­son.
Glen Alan Stew­art was born on De­cem­ber 28, 1950, in May­nard, IA, to Ralph and Velma (Ort­mann) Stew­art. He was raised on the fam­ily’s Jer­sey Dairy farm in Fayette, IA, and grad­u­ated from West Cen­tral Com­mu­nity School in 1969.
In Au­gust of 1969, he mar­ried his first wife, De­lores Michels. They briefly moved to Wa­ter­loo, IA, where Glen started his sales ca­reer as a car sales­man at Schukei Motor Co. be­fore tak­ing over the fam­ily farm.
Glen re­mained a farmer in Iowa and Mis­souri until 1982 when he ac­cepted a po­si­tion with Se­lect Sires as a tech­ni­cian and then quickly moved to a sales man­ager. Glen re­ceived the sales man­ager of the year award sev­eral times and was also hon­ored on a na­tional level more than 30 times. He was the first in his­tory to sell over 1 mil­lion di­rect herd units in the East Cen­tral Re­gion and 15th na­tion­ally at Se­lect Sires. Glen was the 28th per­son to achieve this award in the Na­tional As­so­ci­a­tion of An­i­mal Breed­ers. He re­ceived the 2015 Pi­o­neer Award, the most pres­ti­gious award given by the co­op­er­a­tive, prov­ing that Glen knew his bull.
Some of Glen’s hob­bies in­cluded Nascar, going on GYC trips, vis­it­ing Florida, and going to auc­tions. One of the most trea­sured things he picked up at an auc­tion was his wife, Karen. They were mar­ried in June of 1998 and have en­joyed over 25 years of love and friend­ship.
Glen is sur­vived by his wife, Karen; his daugh­ter, Cyn­thia (John) Kryshak; Dina (James) Schmidt; and Keven (Patti) Grun­wald; grand­chil­dren, Hunter, Austen (Michelle), Re­becca (Adam), Court­ney (Jamie) and Amanda (Gar­ret); great-grand­chil­dren, MaKen­zie, Jack­son, Theodore, Mad­dy Jo, Tay­lor, Kate­lynn, Kylie and Luna; sis­ter, Gwen­nith Van­der­see; and many nieces and nephews.
Glen was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents; broth­ers, Carl and Ronald; his first wife, De­lores; sis­ter-in-law, Peggy War­wick; brother-in-law, Darin Wurzer; and par­ents-in-law, Clem & Rita Michels; Karen’s par­ents, Harley and Mil­dred Guell; and broth­ers, Terry and Butch.
Fam­ily will greet friends and rel­a­tives from 2 to 6 p.m. on Mon­day, March 18, at Zacherl Fu­neral Home 875 East Di­vi­sion Street, Fond du Lac, WI. A memo­r­ial ser­vice will fol­low at 6 p.m.
In lieu of flow­ers, memo­ri­als can be di­rected to Friends of Sar­nelli House or the Glen Stew­art Memo­r­ial Schol­ar­ship Fund.
Spe­cial thank you to Hanah from SSM 5th floor for all the com­fort you gave Glen and Karen dur­ing his hos­pi­tal stay, Travis for com­ing up the hill to al­ways check on us and Jim for his daily calls and the oc­ca­sional gifts that were left in the dri­ve­way.
May Glen find eter­nal peace and his mem­ory live on!!
May the Busch Light flow freely and Ford al­ways win the race!!
