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Lincoln Menne

Lincoln Menne Lincoln Menne

Lin­coln Charles Menne, 6, of Fond du Lac, trag­i­cally passed away on Wednes­day, Aug. 21, 2024. Lin­coln was born on Au­gust 14, 2018, to Rachelle Riebe and An­thony “Tony/Joe Dirt” Menne, both of Fond du Lac.
He was a 1st grader at Wa­ters El­e­men­tary School, where he was loved by many friends and teach­ers.
Lin­coln’s bright blue eyes, long lashes, in­fec­tious smile, and gen­tle soul quickly stole the hearts of many that met him. His silly per­son­al­ity would often steal the show.
He loved to be a lit­tle helper with any­thing he pos­si­bly could. Lin­coln loved dogs, play­ing out­side with his sib­lings and neigh­bor­hood friends, rid­ing his bike, spend­ing time with Grandma, help­ing dad, being his brother’s part­ner in crime, and often being mom’s “shadow” wher­ever she went.
A friend once told me, “When God takes some­body early, it’s be­cause the life that they were about to live, would’ve been too much for them to han­dle, and God doesn’t give us more than we can han­dle.”
Al­though Lin­coln’s life was short, he left be­hind many mem­o­ries and big im­pres­sions. He will for­ever be our guardian angel.
We ask that you keep our sweet baby boy’s mem­ory alive by shar­ing mem­o­ries, pho­tos, and say­ing his name.
He is sur­vived by his mother Rachelle; fa­ther An­thony; sis­ters, Shae­lynn (12) and Braylee (9); brother, Mav­er­ick (7); Grandma Tami; Grandpa Joe (Tammy); Grandpa Tony (Kelly); Grandma Karen; Uncle Ryan (Molly); Uncle Mark (Ash­ley); Uncle Aaron (Jonna); Uncle TJ; Aunt Harley (Jesse); Aunt Re­becca; Aunt Bob­bie Sue; Aunt Toni Eliz­a­beth; Aunt Shan­non; Aunt Kelly; as well as many cousins and ex­tended fam­ily.
Lin­coln was pre­ceded in death by his Great-Aunt Shelly (and baby); Great-Grandma Judy; Great-Grandma Sharon; Great-Great-Grandma Dorothy; Great-Grandma Diane; Great-Uncle Richard; Papa Hall; his most fa­vorite pup, Bandy.
Vis­i­ta­tion was at Uecker-Witt Fu­neral Home on Tues­day, Aug. 27, 2024, from 3pm -6pm fol­lowed by a short ser­vice, in which we ask you to wear blue for Lin­coln. Close friends and fam­ily were in­vited to a meal fol­low­ing the ser­vice.
The fam­ily would like to thank all of the first re­spon­ders, nurses, po­lice of­fi­cers, doc­tors, and any­one that as­sisted.
In lieu of flow­ers, the fam­ily re­quests mon­e­tary do­na­tions, as a memo­r­ial will be cre­ated in the near fu­ture, so that his friends and fam­ily may al­ways visit him.
Ser­vices are in the care of Uecker-Witt Fu­neral Home, 524 North Park Av­enue, Fond du Lac, WI, 54935. Ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion and guest­book can be found at ueck­er­
